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Wisconsin Early April Range Day (Yellowstone Lake)

  • 08 Apr 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • 9565 Highway F, Blanchardville, WI 53516

Registration is closed

Time for a Wisconsin range day!

Registration: Register here!

Pricing: Free


The Yellowstone Lake DNR shooting range features three free-to-use ranges, including 100 and 50-yard rifle ranges and a pistol range. Earthen backstops, side berms and shooting sheds help to ensure everyone's safety. Target stands are present on all three ranges, but you must provide your own paper targets. Hearing and eye protection are recommended. Please read the general range rules listed below to ensure the Yellowstone Lake DNR shooting range remains safe and operable.

Range Rules

GENERAL RANGE RULES. No person at a shooting range may:
  1. Handle a weapon in a negligent or reckless manner.
  2. Discharge any weapon on the range while any part of a person is down range of the firing line.
  3. Point any weapon in use at the designated firing line in any direction other than down range.
  4. Fail to comply with a cease fire order called by the range officer or any other person
  5. Fail to make reasonable efforts to ensure all discharged projectiles impact the backstop.
  6. Leave any loaded weapon unattended at any time.
  7. Shoot at targets that are not placed in designated target area or affixed to target stands, if provided, unless the person is sighting or patterning a shotgun with size T or smaller shot.
  8. Shoot at items placed on the ground or at targets not posted at the designated height, unless the person is sighting or patterning a shotgun with size T or smaller shot.
  9. Unless otherwise posted at the range, shoot during the period beginning at sunset and ending at sunrise.
  10. Shoot, or attempt to shoot structures or objects that are not designated targets, or that are outside designated firing lanes.
  11. Shoot at archery targets with anything other than a bow or crossbow.
  12. Use any weapons or projectiles that discharge paint.
  13. Use incendiary, exploding, glass or other breakable materials as targets.
  14. Fail to properly dispose of targets other than clay targets used on an established shotgun shooting range.
  15. Fail to collect and properly remove or dispose of all spent shell casings and cartridges, live ammunition, targets, arrows, bolts and materials brought onto the range.
  16. While shooting at a shooting range, possess or consume an intoxicant or other restricted controlled substance
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