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Illinois Chapter Anniversary Party!

  • 30 Jun 2019
  • 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • The Range at Illinois State Rifle Association (Bonfield, IL)


  • Up to 2 guests are allowed. I am unsure of what the range allows as far as age restrictions or non-FOID ratios to shooters in pistol/rifle stations. You will be responsible for your guests, they will be required to sign waivers both for the LGC event and at the ISRA Range. Contact the Range at (815) 635-3198 about what's allowed.

Registration is closed

I'm very pleased to announce our first year anniversary celebration, we formed in June just one year ago. In seeking a venue for us to gather, the Illinois State Rifle Association has generously gifted us the use of their picnic pavilion plus a few rifle and pistol stations for us to use for the day. I'm personally very excited to shoot at an outdoor range while having a place to gather, chat, and snack on the dishes to pass that y'all will be bringing! 

Once I get responses with a general idea for attendance, the follow-up emails will include more details for attendees and their guests. 

Things I know right now: 

  • Pot-Luck Picnic - everyone bring a dish to pass. There will be cake, so no desserts are needed
  • Picnic Pavilion is a covered area, so rain or shine we will gather
  • Bring your rifles, bring your pistols, stations for both will be reserved
  • Bring your ammunition - there is NO AVAILABILITY to purchase any at the range
  • Guests are welcome, up to 2 per member, they need to be registered through this event for the LGC event waiver
  • Range sign-in and range waiver will also be required for members and their guests

ISRA website:

ISRA Range Brochure (pdf)

Anyone who can bring party supplies such as larger coolers or water/beverage dispensers, or wants to help coordinate supplies, please let me know - I'm bad at organizing parties and WILL forget stuff without help! We'll likely need stuff like charcoal, ice, cups, plates, utensils, etc, etc. We'll figure that out.

Please use the LGC Forum - Illinois Chapter subforum for any discussion, questions, suggestions, volunteering of help/supplies. It will be FAR EASIER to discuss there than to try to email chain back and forth. Thank you! 

More information and online registration: Illinois Chapter Anniversary Party! 

Best regards, 

Kat Ellsworth

LGC Illinois Chapter President

LGC Certified Instructor, Intro to Pistol and Range Safety


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