I am excited to announce the LGC DMV March trip to Silver Eagle Group (21550 Beaumeade Circle Ashburn, VA 20147).
If this is your first time at SEG, arrive early to get the range safety brief. You should also sign the range's waiver online to save time when you arrive. We typically use the 25 yard range. We will meet at 11am and expect to wrap up by about 12:30. Afterwords we get lunch nearby.
You will need to pay for the range fee to SEG. SEG rents firearms, sells ammo, accessories and targets. If you have questions regarding specific range policies, contact them directly.
We strongly recommend that you use a case instead of a holster to transport firearms. While SEG allows holstered firearms, cases simplify administrative handling at the range's firing line. We prohibit holsters that rely on the use of one's trigger finger to disable the holster's retention, such as the SERPA, because its an inherently unsafe design.
When you arrive, we will be in the club room behind the sales counter.
- If you have not been previously, you will need to sign their waver and take the range safety class. Plan to arrive 45 minutes early.
- We will start at 11am.
- If you have specific questions about the facility, contact SEG directly for guidance.
- If you are bringing a guest, make sure they sign the LGC event liability waver.
- Registration is open until 20 March so that we can give SEG a firm number on the 21st.
When you arrive use Discord (https://discord.gg/6vwhYE5) to connect with everyone. If you have trouble with discord, reply to this email and I will help get you setup.