This is a call to all of the Liberal Gun Owners in West Virginia!
We have an exciting announcement for you: the creation of the West Virginia chapter of the Liberal Gun Club! Our first meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Feb 16th in Barboursville, WV. You will receive the location information in your registration email. We are thrilled to have you join us and participate in the exciting launch of our own WV chapter!
At this meeting, one of our responsibilities will be the election of officers, as identified by a vote of those members in attendance. The positions are President, Vice President, and Treasurer/Secretary.
We have established a “West Virginia” channel on the LGC Discord Server and a WV group on Facebook. Please consider joining one or both forums. You can also expect a Signal Group for those interested. Finally, and most importantly for the moment, we need to vote for our chapter bylaws.
For this vote:
And that’s it! We are incredibly excited to be able to bring a “Wild and Wonderful” LGC chapter to the Mountain State. We are looking forward to creating a community of liberals to teach, learn, shoot, and share a passion for firearms, in a setting that is safe, welcoming, and inclusive.
Thank you and we look forward to meeting y'all!
Your fellow WV-ian Liberal Gun Club’rs.