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LGCDMV November meeting

  • 21 Nov 2024
  • 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Online!


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We are holding our monthly chapter meeting on NOV 21 at 8pm. 

Due to recent events there has been an influx of new members.  We have monthly meetings (online) and go to SEG in Ashburn, VA for a monthly range day.  We have almost completed a chapter constitution and bylaws revision.  Our next step is to put it to a vote of our members.  These changes will clarify and resolve some issues in the original but more importantly allow us to setup committees and delegate authority to them.  This is a prerequisite for applying to affiliate with the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore.  We also have officer elections coming up.  I plan to send out the email shortly on officer elections. 

A few things on the agenda:

  • Suggestions for future activities. 
  • We will have a range trip to SEG on the last weekend in . Exact date TBD. 
  • Chapter officer elections are this month. 
  • We will do our lobby day on Jan 24 in Richmond. 
  • Whatever additional business people want to bring up. 


David Mayer-Sommer
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