The MA/New England chapter is happy to announce that we'll be offering several Stop The Bleed (STB)/Until Help Arrives (UHA) classes this summer. We have an authorized instructor, Carl Cowan, among our members, and he has graciously offered to teach these classes. The next class will be on Saturday August 24, in the afternoon. Future classes will be a mix of weekdays and weekends to maximize the availability for differing schedules. Due to the hands-on nature of the class and the size of the classroom, each class is limited to 6 students. Please cancel your reservation if you can't make it. The waitlist is will be enabled once the class fills up.
Time: 1:00PM until 3:30PM
Stop the Bleed covers how to identify life threatening bleeding, bleeding control techniques based on location of injury, how to properly hold pressure and pack a bleeding wound, use of trauma kits and how to render care without a kit, and tourniquet use.
Until Help Arrives covers information for the general public with the basic yet critical key actions that can be taken during a life-threatening emergency that can help sustain or save a life until EMS arrives.
What to bring: Drink, snacks, an open mind, notebook and writing instrument.
Leverage Discord, Facebook, or Email for any questions.