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Defensive Shooting Training

  • 19 May 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • 6824 W May Rd, Bloomington, IN 47403


Registration is closed

Come join LGC and USCCA certified instructor Brett Morse for a class on defensive pistol use.  This is an all day event.  Plan to be on the range all day long in the weather, so please dress accordingly and bring a sack lunch.  For this class, you should use a striker fired handgun, and have at least 3 magazines and a place to carry them (mag pouch, pocket, etc.) You should bring at least 300 rounds. You should use an outside the waistband holster, but it can be worn in an orientation that you would normally carry in, so in the front if you normally carry appendix, etc.  We can make adjustments when you are here if needed.  If you have questions about the class or gear, email Brett at  This is a free class, being offered to LGC members, so please come take advantage of this opportunity.  

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