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LGC DMV Lobby Day Preperation

  • 04 Jan 2024
  • 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Online!


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All --

Sorry about the short notice for this email.  This month, the Virginia Legislature will convene.  As a result of the election, Democrats have taken the House of Delegates and State Senate.  This election was won largely around guaranteeing access to abortion.  Unfortunately, some gun control legislation has been introduced including an assault weapons ban. 

We are meeting on the 4th at 8pm to get started and will meet most weeks between now and then to get ready for lobby day. 

Here is a sample of the legislation that has been introduced:

  • SB2/HB2:  A ban on so-called assault weapons and magazines that can hold more than 10 cartridges.  
  • SB55:  A 3-day waiting period for purchasing firearms.  
  • SB57:  Prohibition on possessing a firearm on the premises of a restaurant that serves alcohol.


David Mayer-Sommer
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