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April LGCCA SoCal Meet Up

  • 16 Apr 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Evans Gun World


Registration is closed

LGCCA SoCal Members,

True to our promise, we have yet another awesome event planned for you in April! But first, if you haven't registered for the March 25 event in San Diego, please do so ASAP! We need a head count and by registering through the LGC website, you agree to the terms of the release and waiver so you don't have to fill one out physically. 

The next event will be at Evan's Gun World in Orange County on April 16, 2023! We will meet outside the main entrance at 10 am and shoot until about 1 pm. Range cost is $20 for the first person on a lane and $18 for each additional person. Each lane can support 3 shooters. 

Address: 1637 N Brian St, Orange, CA 92867 

Afterparty: Everywhere, 1501 W Orangewood Ave Ste. 101, Orange, CA 92868 

This is an indoor range, so pistol calibers only. 

Please not that LGC will not be providing food or beverage at this event so please plan accordingly. 

We hope to see you on the 16th!

- LGCCA Board

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