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March LGCCA SoCal Meet Up

  • 26 Mar 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • San Diego Rod & Gun Club


Registration is closed

LGCCA is on a roll! No blizzard is going to stop us! Our Mini Meet in the Middle was a success with about 28 participants attending. Thank you to all who attended. It was great seeing you.

On March 26, SoCal VP Gino is hosting a range day at San Diego County's South Bay Rod and Gun Club starting at 9:00 A.M. at 1020 Marron Valley Road, Dulzura, CA 91917.  Specific Meeting Location: Parking lot at Range 6.

Range is $30 for the day. They have Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle, and Long Distance Rifle ranges available. Wear your LGC gear if you have it! If you don't have LGC gear, grab some on the merch website!

After the PewPews are done, the fun continues with the after party: Join us for tacos and beer (if you're over 21) at the Dulzura Mini Market at 17023 Campo Rd, Dulzura, CA 91917. The after party is optional, of course.

We know how popular LGC's Unicorn stickers and Equality stickers are, so the first four people that show up will get a Unicorn Sticker and the next four people will get an "Every Right for Every Single Person" sticker for free! Don't miss out!

Please note that lunch will not be provided and you are responsible to plan accordingly. 

Register via this e-mail and we hope to see you on the 26th!

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