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Minnesota LGC January Meeting

  • 18 Jan 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Virtual Meeting


Registration is closed
Hello Minnesota LGC members!

       I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season and are ready to take on 2023. We're going to have our first virtual meeting of the year this Wednesday the 18th at 7:00pm. Link to the meeting will be provided day of. The purpose of this meeting is to set the framework for the year, going over future plans and objectives. This includes but not limited to,
  1.  Solidify the 2023 meeting schedule
  2.  Explore future chapter events
  3.  Chapter outreach efforts               
  4.  Current events with LGC 
      I look forward to speaking with all of you and having a successful MN-LGC chapter year!

          Jeremy Drake 
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