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Southern California Chapter Range Day

  • 02 Oct 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • San Luis Obispo Sportsmen's Association (SLOSA)
  • 29


  • RSVP here, but range fees can be paid at the range on the day of the event.

Registration is closed

The Southern California Chapter is hosting a range day at SLOSA, which is located on Highway 1 between San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay! While not exactly, "SoCal", it's one of California's best ranges and worth the drive. Address: 3270 Gilardi Road, San Luis Obispo, CA. (This event is not limited to SoCal folks, all may attend)

If you can't make it, or don't want to make the drive, we encourage you to go to your local range wearing your LGC gear. Take photos, videos, etc. and share it! #LGCSoCalNRD

Because SLOSA loves us sooooo much, we get to pay the membership price of $10 per person!  We will have access to the famous Hogue Action Pistol Range (where you can draw from the holster), their regular range with targets up to 750 yards, AND we will have access to their large clubhouse with kitchen and BBQ pit. 

So, let's make this a pot luck: bring some food, drink, and DEFINITELY wear your LGC shirts, hats, and other swag!

All VACCINATED members are welcome to attend. We're trusting you to be honest about this. We're all one small, happy, LGC family, so let's be careful with each other. 

While most people will likely come up for the day, you are welcome to stay longer!  SLOSA will allow our members to camp out on their property, so if you have a camper or trailer, or whatnot, let me know and I can arrange. My family and I will be staying in Morro Bay for the weekend, so we can enjoy the rest of Nationals together if you are so inclined. 

**Please use the link to RSVP so that chapter leadership can plan for the proper amount of people** Guests are welcome! Event waivers will be required to be signed by guests in the presence of a Chapter Officer on the day of the event.

Hope to see you there!

Mark Oknyansky

Vice President - Southern California

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