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Deviant Ollam guest stars on the Social Distance Learning Series

  • 08 Jun 2021
  • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom Meeting
  • 26


Registration is closed

You've seen him break into secured spaces. You've seen him handle and shoot guns. But... have you ever asked yourself, how might you go about preventing someone like Deviant Ollam from breaking into your secured spaces and handling your guns without permission? Let's be clear, the odds are pretty low that Deviant would do that to you. His name notwithstanding, Dev is a rather honest person and respects personal property and boundaries. But not everyone is a nice guy. And whether we like to admit it or not, knowledge about how to bypass security and do nefarious things has become more widely accessible to folk with criminal intention (or simply teenagers with an over-abundance of curiosity and a shortage of caution) so what can we as gun owners do to keep our boomsticks and lead accelerators out of the hands of folk who are either hardened thieves or simply run-of-the-mill troublemakers who have gone to YouTube University? In this presentation, Deviant -- hacker, security educator, locksmith, safe technician, and firearms enthusiast -- will cover the basics for us and hopefully offer advice that can save both your pew pews as well as your wallet from succumbing to an undesirable fate.

Click the link to register and join us on Zoom.  Questions will be answered live.  See you there!

And as always, you can view this event if you can't make it to the livestream after the fact on our website at or on our YouTube page at 

Once you've registered, keep an eye on your email for the event details and meeting URL!

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