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New Mexico Meet-up - June 12, 2021

  • 12 Jun 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Tres Piedras NM Game & Fish Shooting Range

Registration is closed

The New Mexico Area of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Liberal Gun Club will be holding a meet-up on Saturday, June 12, 2021, beginning at 9:00 AM.

The meet-up will be held at the Tres Piedras New Mexico Game and Fish shooting range on Highway 64, 3 miles east of Tres Piedras, NM, and 29 miles northwest of Taos, NM. (

Activities will include shooting, fellowship, and a range clean-up to benefit the New Mexico Game and Fish Department. Anyone who's interested can meet afterward for lunch before heading home.  

Also, anyone wishing to arrive the day before and/or leave the day after is welcome to join a camping group at Las Petacas Campground 4 miles east of Taos on Highway 64 ( There are also hotels and other RV, B&B, and campground amenities in the area.

Any questions or concerns about this event can be addressed to Peter Botting, New Mexico Area Representative (, or Douglas Cramer, Rocky Mountain Chapter President (

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