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IL Chapter Meeting, last of the year!

  • 14 Dec 2019
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Brewpoint Founder's Cafe, 124 W Park Ave, Elmhurst

Registration is closed

Last meeting of 2019, we're back at the smaller Brewpoint location with our own meeting room in the rear of the Cafe. 

There are things brewing for us in 2020, but nothing's solid yet, so you'll only get to hear about them in person at the meeting! Officer election is every December per our Chapter Bylaws, so we will discuss that as well. Brian and I will both be up for re-election, and our Secretary/Treasurer position is open.  Put your name in for any position, the voting takes place via email and that will get posted after the meeting on the 14th. 

There are two levels to Chapter Membership. Being a dues-paying member to the National Club makes you an automatic Illinois Chapter Member, which is why you receive these emails even if you haven't interacted directly with meetings or meetups. Then there are Voting Members, who have a vote in Officer elections every December - you must have attended a meeting during the previous calendar year (any time in 2019) in order to be a Voting Member. 

It will be great to see as many of your faces in person for this meeting! Remember, electronic attendance is also an option - video or voice calls will count you in. 

Kat Ellsworth

Illinois Chapter President of the Liberal Gun Club

Instructor, Intro to Pistol and Range Safety


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