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National Meeting 2019

  • 25 Oct 2019
  • 26 Oct 2019
  • 3 sessions
  • 25 Oct 2019, 9:00 AM 4:30 PM (PDT)
  • 25 Oct 2019, 1:00 PM 4:00 PM (PDT)
  • 26 Oct 2019, 9:00 AM 12:00 PM (PDT)
  • Morro Bay, CA


  • LGC 1- Day Instructor development Course description.

    Objective: The coursework will certify instructors to teach all 3 current LGC Classes:
    -Introduction to Range Safety and Shooting
    -Firearms Familiarization.
    -Introduction to Defensive Pistol.

    Prerequisites: Member of The Liberal Gun Club in good standing. A strong desire to encourage new participants to the shooting sports, with emphasis on placing safety at the forefront of all activities. We seek people who have excellent verbal skills and a respectful attitude towards people of diverse backgrounds. Candidates must also be skillful with handgun manipulations and thoroughly familiar with the firing range environment and firearms safety rules and protocols.

    Course Materials will be available upon registration, it is highly advised that candidates be very familiar with these materials before the class begins. This will allow for more time to be devoted to teaching skills and live-fire course work.

    Coursework: The course will consist of:
    1. Classroom Training based on the current LGC Instruction manual and material.
    2. Live Fire training for the Introduction to Defensive Pistol Certification.

    Instructor candidates will be evaluated by:
    1.Objective written test on classroom material.
    2. Subjective evaluation by the Course instructor demonstrating candidate’s knowledge and ability to transfer that knowledge through the course lectures and live fire drills.

    At the successful completion of the coursework and the teach back evaluations, participants will earn certification as an LGC instructor in the 3 courses named above.

    Required equipment:

    Your carry or defensive Centerfire Handgun and 300 rounds of ammunition for it, a minimum of 3 magazines or speedloaders,(more than 3 recommended), belt carrier for magazines/speedloaders, rigid paddle holster or other holster for the firearm that covers the trigger guard, belt capable of securing the holster and magazine holder. Eye and Ear protection, of course. A 2-piece hook and loop belt system are recommended, but not required. Personal hydration, sun protection, and appropriate footwear and clothing for live fire range activities. A pen, notebook, and a sound recorder will be useful for the clssroom sections. Lunch will be provided, please let us know if you have any special dietary needs.

    Fees: LGC instructor registration fees will apply. See LGC instructor page at:
  • Enjoy a day of 3 Gun training with Amy Dillon. She is the education director for 3-gun Nation and an experienced competitor. Details TBD. Beginners Welcomed! Don't worry too much about specialized gear, to get started you only need: a holstered pistol and 3 magazines, pistol magazine holder, a semi auto carbine/rifle, and a pump or semi auto shotgun.
  • Lever Gun Clinic -Instructor Grant Cunningham grew up with the lever-action rifle, learning from the “old masters” how to handle and use it properly. Ever since, he’s used them for hunting and defensive purposes. In this workshop, he’ll show you how to handle the lever action properly, how to operate it efficiently, and how to take advantage of its unique strengths. Along the way, you’ll learn about ammunition, traditional sights and sighting methods, and even a little bit about the strengths and weaknesses of the various lever action models that have been made. Whether your lever action is brand new or a family heirloom, from .22 to .45-70, you’ll get a lot out of this session! For this workshop you’ll need a lever-action rifle and 150 rounds of ammunition.
  • Revolver Clinic With Grant Cunningham-Action Bay
  • 09:00 to 12:00. A class which teaches first aid techniques critical to every shooter's skill set. Learn from highly skilled instructors with real -life experience. We will also offer our SFD Responder bleeding control kit for class participants at a special price.
  • 13:00 to !6:00. A class which teaches first aid techniques critical to every shooter's skill set. Learn from highly skilled instructors with real -life experience. We will also offer our SFD Responder bleeding control kit for class participants at a special price.
  • A class which teaches first aid techniques critical to every shooter's skill set. Learn from highly skilled instructors with real -life experience. We will also offer our SFD Responder bleeding control kit for class participants at a special price.
  • Fundamentals of Intuitive Defensive Shooting on Friday 25 October with lunch included.
  • Coffee and donuts in the morning, Self serve sandwiches at the range for lunch, BBQ for Dinner.
  • Self serve sandwiches in the Ed center.
  • This includes Saturday coffee, donuts, lunch, cocktail hour, dinner, AND the annual meeting at the Inn at Morro Bay on Saturday evening. DOES NOT INCLUDE RANGE FEES.
    Registrant will get an email about dinner choices, vegetarian/vegan options will be available.

Thanks For registering for the LGC 2019 National Meeting!
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Now that you have registered, you will be receiving complete information and updates about each event when it is available.
Registration is closed

Registration is now open for The Liberal Gun club's annual meeting in Morro Bay, CA from 25-27 October 2019. This year's  We will be staying and dining at the Inn at Morro Bay. It's located in Morro Bay State Park on the shore of Morro Bay estuary. It's a really nice place to stay that your S.O. will approve of; should they be inclined to come along. 

Your guests are welcome at LGC events! They do need to register for events, though. The California coast in fall is a lovely place to enjoy a weekend.  In fact, if you are coming from out of state, I would encourage you to take some extra days to enjoy the Central Coast.

The shooting activities and instruction sessions will be held at the San Luis Obispo Sportsmen's association, a great facility in a beautiful spot on California's central coast.  Come join your old LGC pals and meet new friends at the highlight of the LGC's calendar.  For info about the range: Be prepared to have great day of shooting there.

Accommodations: We have a block of rooms reserved for the event at The Inn at Morro Bay, rooms starting at $149. Call (805) 772-5651 and let them know you are with The Liberal Gun Club to get our reserved rate. Make your reservation now! You must call by phone and speak to a human, this deal is not available online. For info about the Inn.

Multiple Clase Registration note: IMPORTANT! If you are signing up for more than one class, please follow the directions here

Thursday 24 October:

09:00- 16:30 LGC instructor training: Class sessions and live fire training for LGC certification.

Friday 25 October:

08:00- 14:00 Registration and Merchandise table: Open in the education center at SLOSA. Come check in to say hello and have Coffee and pastries.  Pay your range fees at the range shack and get ready for a fun day. Touch and buy LGC Merch in Person!

08:00 to 16:00 SLOSA rifle and pistol line open:  SLOSA is a steel-pinging kind of place both on the pistol line, and the rifle line out to 700 yards.  If you are coming from out of state and don't wish to travel with your own firearms we will have you covered. We will have California members who will have all kinds of interesting firearms to shoot: Because Life Is Too Short to Shoot Boring Guns. This also mitigates the legal uncertainty of the The Great California Ammunition Shenanigans.

09:00-16:30:  Fundamentals of Combat Focus Shooting. At the Hogue Action Range at SLOSA. The Class starts at 09:00 and goes until 17:00. It will be a full day of shooting. Basically the class teaches the "Next Steps" for the LGC defensive pistol class. It will be a great opportunity to get some rounds downrange and learn some techniques that will enhance almost any pistol shooter's skill set. All skill levels are welcome! To get the most out of the class you should have fired at least 1000 rounds through your handgun and be familiar with holster use. and safe magazine reloads. You will need 500 rounds ammo for your properly holstered pistol, minimum 3 magazines and a magazine holder for 2 magazines. Revolvers are ok! But prepare for many rapid reloads with plenty of speedloaders (and some practice). If you carry,  consider using your carry  firearm and gear, since this class teaches a real-life defensive skill set. Out of state folks No threaded barrel handguns! We will monitor The Great California Ammunition Shenanigans, and update you in a timely manner.

12:00-13:00- Lunch in the education center. - Come by and grab a quick bite. We will be offering Self-serve Sandwiches 

13:00- 16:00: Bleeding control and emergency first aid: Session 1  We will be offering 2 sessions of a class which teaches first aid techniques critical to every shooter's skill set. Learn from highly skilled instructors with real -life experience.  We will also offer our SFD Responder bleeding control kit for class participants at a special price.

17:30- 21:00 : Welcome Reception and BBQ

This will be a fine opportunity to meet in person all those folks on Facebook and the Forum.  We will also mingle with SLOSA members so we can all get to know each other...

Saturday 26 October:

08:00 -14:00 Registration and Merchandise table: Open in the education center at SLOSA. Come check in to say hello and have Coffee and pastries.  Pay your range fees at the range shack and get ready for a fun day. Touch and buy LGC Merch in Person!

08:00 to 16:00 SLOSA rifle and pistol line open:  SLOSA is a steel-pinging kind of place both on the pistol line, and the rifle line out to 700 yards.  If you are coming from out of state and don't wish to travel with your own firearms we will have you covered. We will have California members who will have all kinds of interesting firearms to shoot: Because Life Is Too Short to Shoot Boring Guns. This also mitigates the legal uncertainty of the The Great California Ammunition Shenanigans.

09:00-12:00 Revolver Clinic With Grant Cunningham. We are very pleased to offer a class in revolver shooting from one of the masters of this style of pistol.

09:00-16:00: 26 October 3-gun with Amy Dillon Enjoy a day of 3 Gun training with Amy Dillon. She is the education director for 3-gun Nation and an experienced competitor. Details TBD. Beginners Welcomed! Don't worry too much about specialized gear, to get started you only need: a holstered pistol and 3 magazines, pistol magazine holder, a semi auto carbine/rifle, and a pump or semi auto shotgun.

09:00- 12:00: Bleeding control and emergency first aid: Session 2  A second session for folks who weren't able to take it Friday.  This class teaches first aid techniques critical to every shooter's skill set. Learn from highly skilled instructors with real -life experience.  We will also offer our SFD Responder bleeding control kit for class participants at a special price.

12:00-1:00- Lunch in the education center-Come by and grab a quick bite. We will be offering Self-serve Sandwiches.

13:00-16:00 Lever Gun Clinic Instructor Grant Cunningham grew up with the lever-action rifle, learning from the “old masters” how to handle and use it properly. Ever since, he’s used them for hunting and defensive purposes. In this workshop, he’ll show you how to handle the lever action properly, how to operate it efficiently, and how to take advantage of its unique strengths. Along the way, you’ll learn about ammunition, traditional sights and sighting methods, and even a little bit about the strengths and weaknesses of the various lever action models that have been made. Whether your lever action is brand new or a family heirloom, from .22 to .45-70, you’ll get a lot out of this session! For this workshop you’ll need a lever-action rifle and 150 rounds of ammunition.

17:30 Cocktail Hour at the Inn at Morro Bay. Hosted Finger food. The drinks are on you, due to the widely varying spectrum of beverage preferences. We will have a our own bartender so you don't have to stray too far from the crowd.

19:00- Dinner at Inn at Morro Bay- Bay View Room . We will let folks know about the menu when it is finalized. But get ready for a fine meal as part of a memorable evening.

20:00-The Liberal Gun Club National Meeting -Keynote speaker Michael David Sodini, Founder of Walk the Talk America. Their mission is to reduce incidents of suicide by firearms, gun negligence through education and proactive programs that identify risks, raise awareness, and provide solutions to those who choose to own firearms responsibly and the public at large.

Their goal is to to raise awareness and create a change in the misunderstandings regarding mental illness and firearms by bringing together industry leaders to reduce gun violence, negligence, suicide and the trauma created by these events. Develop programs for suicide prevention, firearms negligence, trauma mitigation, and child safety.

Sunday 27 October.

10:00 Head over to the Trap and Skeet field for some clays. Or head back up to the Rifle and Pistol line if you wish. or sleep in, have brunch, or goof off, or catch a plane.

12:00- Official end to event- Folks can get lunch on the road home or make sandwiches with remaining lunch stuff from Saturday.

We are looking forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions about the event or Morro Bay, I'll do my best to answer your question.

Please email me at jwhite@the or use Facebook messenger to contact me.  I'd really appreciate answering your questions outside of our Facebook pages. 

John White.

Bleeding Heart Liberal with Second Amendment Benefits.

National Events Director;  President, California Chapter.

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