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June Local NorCal LGCCA event.

  • 16 Jun 2019
  • 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Richmond Rod and Gun Club


  • Everyone welcome! Event location to be announced at event. It won't be far from the range. You will receive contact info from event director. Please provide a mobile phone number to receive event location on day of event.
  • LGC Members only registration for a Private event at Richmond Rod and Gun club.

Registration is closed

In addition to the camping trip later in June, we are having a local Nor Cal meet up on 16 June 2019 at Richmond Rod and Gun Club in Richmond, CA. Daniel Postilnik, who has done much to grow the LGC instruction program and the California chapter, is moving out of state. Come thank Daniel for his work, let him know he will be missed, and wish him well. Thanks to our cadre of RRGC range officers who are also LGC members, we'll be able to shoot after the range has closed. Then, after cleaning up, we'll go for supper, drinks, and a recap of the afternoon at a place to be determined.

Get the details by registering at

 It's a special privilege to be able to offer this kind of event to our membership. This private event is limited to 20 shooting participants. If you are not registered, you may not enter the range as it is closed to the public after 4:00PM. Registrants will receive event details by email.

Of course if you just want to hang out, meet us at supper afterwards! If you are planning to come afterwards would you also please register? No registration limits for this part of the event!

Do make sure that the email address you provide for LGC membership is current, you will receive critical details of the event only by email. 

We'd like to give our thanks to the Richmond Rod and Gun Club for making this event possible.

Looking forward to seeing you there, or after!

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